LabMember Profile

Kamila Ciok

Lab Member






In 2004, when she was 9 years old, with the help of her mother, she co-organized her first humanitarian aid by supporting more than 400 kids in Beslan and their families after a terroristic attack in the school.


After she got kidnapped her motivation to engage for community developed grow even further. By listening to what is around her, she discovers the voices of people and what is hidden in the world. Curiosity, questioning, and courage.

Her past few years have been a journey of constant discovery for answers about humanity and its essence. Peace engagement in Pakistan, being with Tuaregs in the Algerian desert, researching social engagement in Jordan, observing social development of the Republic of Dagestan, facilitating Community Development in a Fijian village, supporting village Poland on the Pacific Ocean, learning from Australian First Nation’s Elders and speaking at multiple international events as the beginning.


Since 2015 Member of the Board Poland Helps Poland - an organization providing humanitarian aid and supporting community development of village Poland on the Pacific Ocean,

Since 2016 founder and president of Alimuradova Organisation -  supports youth empowerment and community development, having empathy and trust at the core of building our society.

Since 2018 Member of the Assosiation Stanislawa Wyspianskiego - supporting youth empowerment in Poland, giving each year a scholarships;

From 2018-2019 supported the Palestinian Israeli unification peace project “Pieces for Peace”

From 2020-2022 lecturer for the giant course “at the University of Warsaw and the University of Geneva

2018-2020 President at SDG Youth Council in Pakistan;

In 2020 her humanitarian photography has been recognized an showcased during the Swiss Photo Club Exhibition in Humanit’Art


Awarded as a leader of Poland 2019, Nominated Social Impact Category 25 Forbes 25 2018 ; The Youth Activist of 2019


Executive Diploma in the Art of Diplomacy at European Academy of Diplomacy; MA in Innovation, Human Development and Sustainability at University of Geneva


My personal observations, which are reflected in my work, relate to goal 17 concerning creating relationships between different actors. I believe that only when we take the time and commitment to understand ourselves and accept the diversity of needs and hear each other will we create a better future based on empathy and mature leadership.

A lot of work in this sector should be devoted to awareness-raising and creating opportunities for dialog. Privately, I organize meetings for people from my environment who are involved in various sectors to exchange their observations on what can be improved in society.

There are two priorities in my understanding: research and holistic approach. Based on that we can create positive change and improve the existing situation. Firstly - understanding, secondly - required action. We already know the negative impacts of misunderstanding and misleading actions.

Skills and profession

Passion and drive


My Photo Albums