Find a Labmember

Why be a labclient?
- You want to be an out of the box thinking brand or organisation
- Looking for innovation & new ideas
- Conceptual thinking
- Executional power - making ideas happen.

Why be a labmember?
- Your chance of showing your talent
- Step in projects to think with us
- Apply for jobs, publications, exhibits
- Learn to think out of the box
- It’s free
How to speak Labbie
I’m a LABBIE: I’m a labmember and a student.
I’m a LABRESEARCHER: I’m running a project on the Addictlab website.
I’m a LABAMBASSADOR: I’m helping out, I’m on the lookout for new talent and inspirational stories from my city. I regularly update my city’s addictlab page.
CURATED CROWDSOURCING: collaborative yet non democratic ideation process.
SOCIAL MEDIA: opposite of a-social media.
BOX: something to think out.
INSPIRATION SHOWER: yourownlab package to get you inspired.
CREATIVE X-RAY: yourownlab package to generate innovation.