Creative Disciplines


No Poverty

The decline of global extreme poverty continues, but has slowed. The deceleration indicates that the world is not on track to achieve the target of less than 3 per cent of the world living in extreme poverty by 2030. People who continue to live in extreme poverty face deep, entrenched deprivation often exacerbated by violent conflicts and vulnerability to disasters. Strong social protection systems and government spending on key services often help those left behind get back on their feet and escape poverty, but these services need to be brought to scale.

  • The share of the world population living in extreme poverty declined to 10 per cent in 2015, down from 16 per cent in 2010 and 36 per cent in 1990. However, the pace of poverty reduction is decelerating, with a “nowcast” of 8.6 per cent in 2018. Moreover, baseline projections suggest that 6 per cent of the world population will still be living in extreme poverty in 2030, missing the target of ending poverty.
  • Despite having a job, 8 per cent of the world’s workers and their families still lived in extreme poverty in 2018. The situation remains particularly alarming in sub-Saharan Africa, where the share of working poor stood at 38 per cent in 2018.
  • Social protection systems help prevent and reduce poverty and provide a safety net for the vulnerable. However, social protection is not a reality for a large majority of the world’s population. In 2016, 55 per cent – as many as 4 billion people – were not covered by any social protection cash benefits, with large variations across regions: from 87 per cent without coverage in sub-Saharan Africa to 14 per cent in Europe and Northern America.
  • Only 22 per cent of unemployed persons receive unemployment cash benefits, only 28 per cent of persons with severe disabilities receive disability cash benefits, only 35 per cent of children worldwide enjoy effective access to social protection and only 41 per cent of women giving birth receive maternity cash benefits.
  • Disasters often lead to a downturn in the trajectory of socioeconomic development and exacerbate poverty. From 1998 to 2017, direct economic losses from disasters were estimated at almost $3 trillion, of which climate - related disasters accounted for 77 per cent of the total – a rise of 151 per cent compared with the period from 1978 to 1997 – and climate-related and geophysical disasters claimed an estimated 1.3 million lives. More than 90 per cent of deaths reported internationally were due to disaster events in low- and middle-income countries, and economic losses from disasters as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) were also much higher in these countries.
  • Countries have reported progress in the development and implementation of national and local disaster risk reduction strategies in line with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030. As at 31 March 2019, 67 countries had reported progress in such alignment and 24 countries reported that their respective local governments had developed local strategies consistent with national strategies and plans.
  • Only one third of all countries spend between 15 per cent and 20 per cent of total government expenditure on education, as recommended in the Education 2030 Framework for Action
SDGS Targets

#1 1.1 Eradicate Extreme Poverty

#2 1.2 Reduce Poverty by at least 50%

#3 1.3 Implement Social Protection systems

#4 1.4 Equal Rights to Ownerships, basic services, technology and economic resources

#5 1.5 Build resilience to environmental, economical and social disasters

#6 1.A Mobilize Resources to implement policies to end poverty

#7 1.B Create pro-poor and gender-sensitive policy frameworks

Zero Hunger

Zero Hunge Zero Hunge

SDGS Targets

#1 2.1 Universal access to safe and nutritious food

#2 2.2 End all forms of malnutrition

#3 2.3 Double the productivity and incomes of small-scale food producers

#4 2.4 Sustainable food production and resilient agricultural practices

#5 2.5 Maintain the Genetic diversity in food production

#6 2.A Invest in rural infrastructure, agricultural research, technology and gene banks

#7 2.B Prevent agricultural trade restrictions, market distortions and export subsidies

#8 2.C Ensure stable food commodity markets and timely access to information

Good Health and Well-Being

Good Health and Well-Being

SDGS Targets

#1 3.1 Reduce maternal mortality

#2 3.2 End all preventable deaths under 5 years of age

#3 3.3 Fight communicable diseases

#4 3.4 Reduce mortality from non-communicable diseases and promote mental health

#5 3.5 Prevent and treat substance abuse

#6 3.6 Reduce road injuries and deaths

#7 3.7 Universal access to sexual and reproductive care, family planning and education

#8 3.8 Achieve universal health coverage

#9 3.9 Reduce illnesses and death from hazardous chemicals and pollution

#10 3.A Implement the WHO framework convention on tobacco control

#11 3.B Support research, development and universal access to affordable vaccines and medicines

#12 3.C Increase health financing and support health workforce in developing countries

#13 3.D Improve early warning systems for global health risks

Quality Education
SDGS Targets

#1 4.1 Free primary and secondary education

#2 4.2 Equal access to quality pre-primary education

#3 4.3 Equal access to affordable, technical, vocational and higher education

#4 4.4 Increase the number of people with relevant skills for financial success

#5 4.5 Eliminate all discrimination in education

#6 4.6 Universal literacy and numeracy

#7 4.7 Education for sustainable development and global citizenship

#8 4.A Build and upgrade inclusive and save schools

#9 4.B Expand higher education scholarships for developing countries

#10 4.C Increase the supply of qualified teachers in developing countries

Gender Equality
SDGS Targets

#1 5.1 End discrimination against women and girls

#2 5.2 End all violence against and exploitation of women and girls

#3 5.3 Eliminate forced marriages and genital mutation

#4 5.4 Value unpaid care and promote shared domestic responsibilities

#5 5.5 Ensure full participation in leadership and decision making

#6 5.6 Universal access to reproductive health and rights

#7 5.A Equal rights to economic resources, property ownership and financial services

#8 5.B Promote empowerment of women through technology

#9 5.C Adopt and strengthen policies and enforceable legislation for gender equality

Clean Water and Sanitation
SDGS Targets

#1 6.1 Safe and affordable drinking water

#2 6.2 End open defecation and provide access to sanitation and hygiene

#3 6.3 Improve water quality, waste water treatment and safe reuse

#4 6.4 Increase water-use efficiency and ensure freshwater supplies

#5 6.5 Implement integrated water resources management

#6 6.6 Protect and restore water-related ecosystems

#7 6.A Expand water and sanitation support to developing countries

#8 6.B Support local engagement in water and sanitation management

Affordable and clean energy
SDGS Targets

#1 7.1 Universal access to modern energy

#2 7.2 Increase global percentage of renewable energy

#3 7.3 Double the improvement in energy efficiency

#4 7.A Promote access to research, technology and investments in clean energy

#5 7.B Expand and upgrade energy services for developing countries

Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDGS Targets

#1 8.1 Sustainable economic growth

#2 8.2 Diversify, innovate and upgrade for economic productivity

#3 8.3 Promote policies to support job creation and growing enterprises

#4 8.4 Improve resource efficiency in consumption and production

#5 8.5 Full employment and decent work with equal pay

#6 8.6 Promote youth employment, education and training

#7 8.7 End modern slavery, trafficking and child labour

#8 8.8 Protect labour rights and promote safe working environments

#9 8.9 Promote beneficial and sustainable tourism

#10 8.10 Universal access to banking, insurance and financial services

#11 8.A Increase aid for trade support

#12 8.B Develop a global youth employment strategy

Industry, innovation and infrastructure
SDGS Targets

#1 9.1 Develop sustainable, resilient and inclusive infrastructures

#2 9.2 Promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation

#3 9.3 Increase access to financial servies and markets

#4 9.4 Upgrade all industries and infrastructures for sustainability

#5 9.5 Enhance research and upgrade industrial technologies

#6 9.A Facilitate sustainable infrastructure development for developing countries

#7 9.B Support domestic technology development and industrial diversification

#8 9.C Universal access to information and communications technology

Reduced Inequalities
SDGS Targets

#1 10.1 Reduce income inequalities

#2 10.2 Promote universal social, economic and political inclusion

#3 10.3 Ensure equal opportunities and end discrimination

#4 10.4 Adopt fiscal and social policies that promotes equality

#5 10.5 Improved regulation of global financial markets and institutions

#6 10.6 Enhanced representation for developing countries in financial institutions

#7 10.7 Responsible and well-managed migration policies

#8 10.A Special and differential treatment for developing countries

#9 10.B Encourage development assistance and investment in least developed countries

#10 10.C Reduce transaction costs for migrant remittances

Sustainable cities and communities
SDGS Targets

#1 11.1 Safe and affordable housing

#2 11.2 Affordable and sustainable transport systems

#3 11.3 Inclusive and sustainable urbanisation

#4 11.4 Protect the world's cultural and natural heritage

#5 11.5 Reduce the adverse effects of nature disasters

#6 11.6 Reduce the environmental impact of cities

#7 11.7 Provide access to safe and inclusive green and public spaces

#8 11.A Strong national and regional development planning

#9 11.B Implement policies for inclusion, resource efficiency and disaster risk reduction

#10 11.C Support least developed countries in sustainable and resilient building

Responsible consumption and production
SDGS Targets

#1 12.1 Implement the 10-year sustainable consumption and production framework

#2 12.2 Sustainable management and use of natural resources

#3 12.3 Halve global per capita food waste

#4 12.4 Responsible management of chemicals and waste

#5 12.5 Substantially reduce waste generation

#6 12.6 Encourage companies to adopt sustainable practices and sustainability reporting

#7 12.7 Promote sustainable public procurement practices

#8 12.8 Promote universal understanding of sustainable lifestyles

#9 12.A Support developing countries' scientific and technological capacity for sustainable consumption and production

#10 12.B Develop and implement tools to monitor sustainable tourism

#11 12.C Remove market distortions that encourage wasteful consumption

13. Climate Action
SDGS Targets

#1 13.1 Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate related disasters

#2 13.2 Integrate climate change measures into policies and planning

#3 13.3 Build knowledge and capacity to meet climate change

#4 13.A Implement the UN framework convention on climate change

#5 13.B Promote mechanisms to raise capacity for climate planning and management

Life below water
SDGS Targets

#1 14.1 Reduce marine pollution

#2 14.2 Protect and restore ecosystems

#3 14.3 Reduce ocean acidification

#4 14.4 Sustainable fishing

#5 14.5 Conserve coastal and marine areas

#6 14.6 End subsidies contributing to overfishing

#7 14.7 Increase the economic benefits from sustainable use of marine resources

#8 14.A Increase scientific knowledge, research and technology for ocean health

#9 14.B Support small scale fishers

#10 14.C Implement and enforce international sea law

Life on Land
SDGS Targets

#1 15.1 Conserve and restore terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems

#2 15.2 End deforestation and restore degraded forests

#3 15.3 End desertification and restore degraded land

#4 15.4 Ensure conservation of mountain ecosystems

#5 15.5 Protect biodiversity and natural habitats

#6 15.6 Promote access to genetic resources and fair sharing of the benefits

#7 15.7 Eliminate poaching and trafficking of protected species

#8 15.8 Prevent invasive alien species on land and in water ecosystems

#9 15.9 Integrate ecosystem and biodiversity in governmental planning

#10 15.A Increase financial resources to conserve and sustainably use ecosystems and biodiversity

#11 15.B Finance and incentivise sustainable forest management

#12 15.C Combat global poaching and trafficking

Peace, justice and strong institutions
SDGS Targets

#1 16.1 Reduce violence everywhere

#2 16.2 Protect children from abuse, exploitation, trafficking and violence

#3 16.3 Promote the rule of law and ensure equal access to justice

#4 16.4 Combat organised crime and illicit financial and arms flows

#5 16.5 Substantially reduce corruption and bribery

#6 16.6 Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions

#7 16.7 Ensure responsive, inclusive and representative decision-making

#8 16.8 Strengthen the participation in global governance

#9 16.9 Provide universal legal identity

#10 16.10 Ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms

#11 16.A Strengthen national institutions to prevent violence and combat terrorism and crime

#12 16.B Promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies

Partnerships for the goals
SDGS Targets

#1 17.1 Mobilize resources to improve domestic revenue collection

#2 17.2 Implement all development assistance commitments

#3 17.3 Mobilise financial resources for developing countries

#4 17.4 Assist developing countries in attaining debt sustainability

#5 17.5 Invest in least developed countries

#6 17.6 Knowledge sharing and cooperation for access to science, technology and innovation

#7 17.7 Promote sustainable technologies to developing countries

#8 17.8 Strengthen the science, technology and innovation capacity for least developed countries

#9 17.9 Enhance SDG capacity in developing countries

#10 17.10 Promote a universal trading system under the WTO

#11 17.11 Increase the exports of developing countries

#12 17.12 Remove trade barriers for least developed countries

#13 17.13 Enhance global macroeconomic stability

#14 17.14 Enhance policy coherence for sustainable development

#15 17.15 Respect national leadership to implement policies for the sustainable development goals

#16 17.16 Enhance the global partnership for sustainable development

#17 17.17 Encourage effective partnerships

#18 17.18 Enhance availability of reliable data

#19 17.19 Further develop measurements of progress


Applied Arts /Styling

Applied Arts /Styling Projects

Applied Arts/Animation

Applied Arts/Animation Projects

Applied Arts/Art Direction

Applied Arts/Art Direction Projects

Applied Arts/Audio

Applied Arts/Audio Projects

Applied Arts/Crafts

Applied Arts/Crafts Projects

#10055 Innovate Education

#10083 Card Board Lab

Applied Arts/Interactive Art

Applied Arts/Interactive Art Projects

Applied Arts/Performing Arts

Applied Arts/Performing Arts Projects

Applied Arts/Printing

Applied Arts/Printing Projects

Applied Arts/Tattoo

Applied Arts/Tattoo Projects

Applied Arts/Typography

Applied Arts/Typography Projects


Architecture Projects

architecture/industrial architecture

architecture/industrial architecture Projects


Architecture/Landscape Projects


architecture/materials Projects


Business/Change Projects


Business/Crisismanagement Projects


Business/CRM Projects


Business/Finance Projects

Business/Human Resources

Business/Human Resources Projects

Business/International relations

Business/International relations Projects


Business/Management Projects


Business/Marketing Projects

Business/Project Management

Business/Project Management Projects


Business/Sales Projects


Business/Strategy Projects


Communication/Advertising Projects


Communication/Branding Projects


Communication/BTB Projects


Communication/BTC Projects


Communication/CityBranding Projects


Communication/Copywriting Projects

Critical Thinking /Futurati

Critical Thinking /Futurati Projects

Critical Thinking /Hacking

Critical Thinking /Hacking Projects

Critical Thinking /Ideation

Critical Thinking /Ideation Projects

#10039 Pantonize

Critical Thinking /Innovation

Critical Thinking /Innovation Projects

#10105 Rejesha Maji

Critical Thinking /New Luxury

Critical Thinking /New Luxury Projects



Culture/Film Projects


Culture/Heritage Projects


Culture/Literature Projects


Culture/Music Projects


Culture/Photography Projects

Design/Fashion Design

Design/Fashion Design Projects

Design/Food Design

Design/Food Design Projects

Design/Graphic Design

Design/Graphic Design Projects

Design/Interior Design

Design/Interior Design Projects

Design/Product Design

Design/Product Design Projects

#10095 Exhibition Milan Design Week 2022

Design/Service Design

Design/Service Design Projects

Design/User Experience

Design/User Experience Projects

Design/Web Design

Design/Web Design Projects


Humanities/HealthCare Projects

#10108 Breathing Games


Humanities/Medicine Projects


Humanities/Pharmacy Projects


Humanities/Philosophy Projects


Humanities/Psychology Projects


Humanities/Therapy Projects


Humanities/Wellness Projects


Humanties/Nutrition Projects


Industry/aerospace Projects


Industry/agriculture Projects


Industry/Automotive Projects


Industry/Aviation Projects


Industry/BeautyCare Projects


Industry/Biotech Projects


Industry/Chemistry Projects


Industry/Construction Projects


Industry/Economy Projects


Industry/Electronics Projects


industry/Energy Projects


Industry/Entertainment Projects

Industry/Food & Beverage

Industry/Food & Beverage Projects

#10082 Sustainable takaway


Industry/Gaming Projects


Industry/Luxury Projects

Industry/Real Estate

Industry/Real Estate Projects


Industry/Retail Projects


Industry/Services Projects


Industry/Sports Projects


Industry/Telcom Projects


Industry/Tourisme Projects


Industry/Transport Projects


Media/Newspaper Projects



Media/Radio Projects


Media/SocialMedia Projects


Media/Television Projects


Nature/Biology Projects


Nature/Ecology Projects



Nature/Gardening Projects

Public Sphere/Academics

Public Sphere/Academics Projects

Public Sphere/Government

Public Sphere/Government Projects

Public Sphere/Human Rights

Public Sphere/Human Rights Projects

Public Sphere/International development

Public Sphere/International development Projects

Public Sphere/Law

Public Sphere/Law Projects

Public Sphere/Public Finance

Public Sphere/Public Finance Projects

Public Sphere/Public Transport

Public Sphere/Public Transport Projects

Public Sphere/Science

Public Sphere/Science Projects

Public Sphere/Universities

Public Sphere/Universities Projects


Society/Antropology Projects


Society/History Projects

Society/Non profit

Society/Non profit Projects


Society/Sociology Projects


Society/Travel Projects


Society/Trends Projects


Technology/3D Projects


Technology/AI Projects

#10109 llj



Technology/ICT Projects



Technology/Nanotech Projects


Technology/Robotics Projects


Technology/VR Projects