About the Project
Calling all Young innovators!
Every year on August 12th, the international community comes together to celebrate young people and reflect on issues that matter most to them in commemoration of International Youth Day.
The World Intellectual Property Organization is celebrating this year’s International Youth Day through a series of interactive events spanning across August and September.
WIPO will kick start the celebrations with an exciting webinar on August 12th from 14:00 to 15:30 CET, followed by a film screening of young film-makers on September 20th at 18:00 CET taking place at WIPO HQ.
WIPO has invited Addictlab to collaborate and curate the innovation and art fair on october 4th at WIPO HQ in Geneva to celebrate the creativity and ingenuity of today’s youth in an informative and interactive exhibition. You can join this project and upload your work here. We will show work from the Addictlab database to inspire young people, and show work from young talent.
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