About the Project
9iNNOVATE is a project-orientated activity for students in Year 9, designed to complement the academic curriculum and align with Ecolint’s mission statement to ‘prepare students for membership of communities that are socially and culturally diverse, for citizenship, and for engagement with the political, ethical and environmental challenges of their times’.
Building on from introductory experiences of community action from the Year 6 PYP exhibitions and the Year 8 SDG project, 9iNNOVATE is the next step in La Châtaigneraie’s developmental Character Programme.
In Year 8, all students engaged in a group exploration of an area of interest linked to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals. The 9iNNOVATE activity now challenges students' innovation and collaboration skills through action. Students will choose one of the SDG themes and in groups of six will work to design a local solution to a global issue, over a 3-month period in collaboration with an expert from a Geneva-based NGO or agency. The project aims at local impact and will be summarized in a 'TEDx' type presentation in June whereby teams will present their solution and its impact to a panel who will comment on its merits.
Drones for Good.
The wider implications of the implementation of technology for innovation.
Challenge: Of all the technological innovations that have emerged in recent years, UAV’s (unmanned aerial vehicles) or drones, are probably one of the most well-known and exciting. Regrettably, much of the publicity surrounding the machines to date has focused primarily on their military applications ignoring the numerous other ways drones are being adapted to benefit society. How will drones positively impact life on land on a global scale? Can you investigate their social, environmental and economic impact? What are the legal implications of their widening use?
Local Action: Can you think of some innovative ways in which you can put drones to use in the local community? For example; Can you use a drone to produce an aerial map or virtual tour of the school? Can you send a drone up during PE class to record students demonstrating a particular play? Have students watch the footage and discuss where they should have been and what they can do better. Can you produce a promotional video of the surrounding area (e.g the Jura mountains?) What do you need to do?
Global Issue: Summarise / define the issue State what will happen if the problem is not addressed (include statistics / pictures) = display work around school on your assigned noticeboard. Explain / suggest global approaches for tackling the problem
Local Action: Brainstorm ways in which you can address the global issue, locally. Agree on one solution and put it into action. Documenting your journey: You will be required to document your journey, from outlining the global issue in detail to describing your local solution
Documenting may involve: Blogging Vlogging Keeping a journal / e-portfolio
TEDx Presentation: At the end of your 2 month ‘journey’ you will be required to present your ‘local solution’ to the ‘global problem’ posed by the expert you have been assigned to. Your presentation will last no longer than 8 minutes max. You will need to demonstrate: Your understanding of the global issue What will happen if it is not addressed What YOU have done / help others to do about it in their own community (i.e. local action) Evidence (by means of a prototype / display etc)