#156 2019_ AMVK_ Geen betere plaats dan hier (No better Place Than Here)2019_ AMVK_ Geen beter plaats dan hier (No better Place Than Here)_150 x 223 cm
Courtesy AMVK, Zeno X Gallery, Antwerp, and Galerie Barbara Thumm, Berlin
is a tapestry work in jacquard made for an interior where small children play. To the original drawing, based on teaching material of Prof. Julien Van Vlasselaer (1904-1982), I added dimensions related to the imaginary and fairy tales. I inserted the picture I made of a dream garden who played the main role in my computer animation "In Dreams". I showed the movie in 2003 together with the light box "Grimm", on which I put myself as a three-year old. The colors and forms of the carpet are meant to be optimistic, mysterious and superhuman.
By Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
BelgiumLinked to Project
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