
#297 Badge Reward System for Educational purposes.


New! Earn your Lab Badges with Addictlab Academy activities. 

The Addictlab Academy is developing a unique reward system. Participants to the lab’s courses will now be able to earn lab badges. There are multiple reasons to introduce this:

1. Building a Lab Curriculum
The Badges to be earned are for a wide range of fields, as defined by Addictlab’s unique Creative Chemistry table. Collecting the badges will mean growing skills in art, design, robotics, science, but also soft skills such as collaboration and critical thinking. 

2. Gamification of educational activities. 
Gamification is a known technique to increase interest in activities. Applying this to educational aspects of the lab will allow kids and participants to have fun while learning and learn while playing.

3. Returning students & fidelity program.

As the interest in Addictlab keeps growing, there is an increasing group of returning kids to the lab. To make sure activities proposed are matching the participants level and maturity, the Lab Badge System will allow us to document on the students and Labbies progress, capabilities and past activities. 

4. Levels

Badges are creative disciplines, organised per category. Badges will also mention levels, as challenges for the same badge will increase in difficulty, growing with the students’ skills. 

How to earn the badges?

At the end of an Addictlab activity (STEAM Camps, Summer camps, other) or during the Wednesday Lab Activities, students will need to solve a challenge. The result will be assessed by the Addictlab team. The Student will receive a Badge certificate and a real badge. 

By Jan Van Mol
  • Applied Arts/Art Direction
  • Business/Change
  • Business/Strategy
  • Design/Graphic Design
  • Industry/Gaming
  • Public Sphere/Education


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