#422 Deplastification
Deplastification is a long-term project aimed at conscious, beneficial slowing down for meditation and the fight against plastic pollution. It consisted of: ventures to clean beaches of plastic trash with the involvement of the local community (Gran Canaria 2021, Ilhabella 2022), presentations of site-specific installations with the participation of experts from local scientific centers, as well as the realization of interactive functional objects (Lamps: YOU, SOS, Wroclaw 2021/22) and film footage (Deplastification, Sobieszewska Island 2023). Recent works, interactive in nature, are oriented towards promoting environmental empathy. Through the exploration of various types of media, and especially through participatory processes, the author encourages social reflection on the condition of today's reality. The prototype of the lamp was developed by Dominika Sobolewska at the Mindful Design Studio for Interactive Spaces and Objects at the Faculty of Interior Design at the Academy of Art and Design in Wroclaw.
By Dominika Sobolewska
PolandLinked to Project

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