#323 ExpandThe world is screaming out for new solutions to tackle the myriad problems and mitigate their consequences. This calls for innovation — bold, new approaches that can be adopted by people, businesses, public organizations, NGOs, and even international bodies.
This book makes the case for what we call expansive thinking. Its central premise is that we should expand the scale of design thinking and the scope of human-centered design. Make no mistake: if we want to create a better, more prosperous, and more sustainable world, we still need to design new products and services. But if we’re serious about tackling the world’s thorniest problems from climate change and resource scarcity to income inequality and the impact of AI — we won’t just need good design. Rather, we need to expand the very way we think as we seek to create solutions to our biggest challenges.
More info and order here:
By Jens Martin Skibsted
DenmarkLinked to Project

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